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Stove By A Whale

Opening: Thursday 18 April 2024


18 April - 5 May 2024

5-8pm Thurs, Fri | 12-6pm Sat, Sun

Staffordshire St presents Stove by a Whale, a collaboration between Steven He and Seongeun Lee curated by Jiayue He. Together, they draw inspiration from their different journeys. Steven’s utopian fictions are envisioned through tracing the source of ideas and cultural traditions back to their origins whilst Seongeun translates the harsh realities of life into the language of dreams. Jiayue brings these two together to explore the notion of contemporary archives questioning how individuals connect to their roots and claim their identities. 


A space where tides change, and the ground isn’t firm


Steven and Seongeun have been larking in the mud, collecting objects from Thames beaches and their living environments to construct and combine materials where time and history differs & shifts with the moving tide. The site specific installation embodies the transient nature of immigrants, weaving a fictional story involving water, a whale and a ship.

Press release here


Reading list here


The Arrival: What's in my Suitcase?

A collaborative workshop, where participants will imagine the arrival of their ancestors. We will bring and transform objects into something new. 

Sunday 20 April, 2-4pm

free - sign up here


Constructing Future Mammals

A creative writing workshop exploring immigrant identity, hosted by the artists and curators. We will imagine new mammals and make a mural scroll.

Saturday 27 April, 11am-1pm

fully booked


Offsite Workshop: Southwark Archives

A tour of the collection at Southwark Archives, and fiction writing and reflection workshop guided by the artists.

Saturday 27 April, 3-5pm

fully booked

NB. This workshop is held off-site


Collective Learning and Community Drumming 

Make music and connect with locals in a drumming circle held amidst the exhibition.

Saturday 4 May, 2-3pm

free - sign up here


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